I love cooking

Hello again, today I would like to tell you about my favorite food, the truth is complicated for me to decide on a special dish, because what I really like is the combination of foods that one can do while cooking. I like to cook new things too, so I'm always trying new dishes and all of them end up liking me, maybe some more than others but that's the least of it.
On the other hand I would like to learn to cook sweet things, maybe new desserts, since I really love the sweet, but also the salty. I'm a bit bittersweet with my tastes.
I think my love for cooking arose at the moment that my parents did not cook me anymore and I learned to make my own meals, from that moment I took the real weight to the kitchen and the dedication that one should put. However, I will never replace the "porotos granadaos" of my mother because are the best in the world. Maybe one day I will learn how to cook like her, but I really believe that with experience and dedication I will succeed and cook dishes that people like. Well that was all for today, I hope you are happy and eat a lot of food so that they are happy people. bye


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